In today’s article, we will be examining certain symptoms that may indicate the presence of prostate cancer. As we’ve discussed in previous articles, prostate cancer, second only to skin cancer, is the most common cancer among men in the US. We know research has shown that the earlier we catch the disease the better.
Therefore, it is important to be familiar with any kind of symptoms. Due to the fact that we can go ahead and get an earlier diagnosis. This in turn gives us the chance to deal with prostate cancer more effectively, since we are catching it at its earlier stages.
What do we know so far?
We know prostate cancer, generally speaking, usually affects men passed 50 years of age. The risk increases as one gets older. Fortunately though, not all types of prostate cancer require treatment. To know this, however, one needs to get a diagnosis first. With that, doctors can guide you toward the best treatment for you, if necessary.
We also know that prostate cancer develops when cells in the prostate begin growing irregularly. The body loses control of them. Additionally, we know someone who has had prostate cancer before is more likely to develop it again. Since even their normal cells are more prone to turn into cancerous cells.

Common symptoms
Most symptoms are hard to detect until the prostate swells up enough that it puts pressure on the urethra. Some of the symptoms this may cause include:
- Needing to urinate more often, especially at night
- Finding it difficult to urinate and having a weak flow of urine
- Feeling like the bladder is never quite empty
- Involuntary leaking of urine and sudden urges to go to the bathroom
These symptoms are the most commonly known. However, they don’t necessarily mean you have prostate cancer. They are also normal occurrences at a more advanced age when it’s quite common for men’s prostates to engorge. There is a risk of prostate cancer though, hence why it is so important to get tested when one notices such symptoms.

Are there other symptoms?
Yes, there are, and these should be paid careful attention to since they are less known. Some of these may be signs of more developed prostate cancer. For example, dull pains in other areas of the body like the hip and pelvis. Or even the pain in the back.
Pains such as these in combination with urinary troubles or changes in your usual urinary activity could be signs the cancer is spreading to other parts of the body. This spread could be behind dull or sharp aches in other areas of the body.
Other symptoms one should pay attention to include:
- Blood in semen or experiencing pain whilst ejaculating
- Sudden inexplicable weight loss. Although it may be a sign of many other things in combination with some of the other symptoms previously explained or even on its own, this could be a sign of cancer.

If you are experiencing symptoms we’ve described here, make sure you talk to your doctor. Depending on your situation they will recommend various actions. They may also test you for prostate cancer, for instance by checking the PSA levels in your blood. High levels of these may indicate prostate cancer.
Proceeding that they can determine whether you need treatment, and if you do, what treatment will work best for you.
Check our resources section for further information. Where you can also find inspiration from success and survival stories. Or we can help you connect with a prostate cancer survivor.
If you have any questions, or just want to talk, call us at our toll-free hotline: 1(833)HEAL-MEN.