New Developments in Prostate Cancer Research

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Prostate cancer research in all its aspects is an ever-evolving and ongoing process. It continues worldwide in order to progress and combat this complex condition.

There have been recent developments in prostate cancer research, specifically in terms of gene changes, for example. This new research has been aiding scientists to identify how prostate cancer develops. This means it will become easier to develop treatments and medication that better combat these specific stages of prostate cancer.

With this understanding in mind, it will become easier to treat prostate cancer more effectively on an individual basis. Potentially making early treatment all the more effective and preventing more invasive forms of treatment.

Prostate cancer research: How does detecting gene changes work?

Gene changes are particularly useful in men who have already been diagnosed with prostate cancer. When doctors analyze their gene changes they can get a clearer picture of their condition. It could reveal more accuracy on important information respective to their condition. For example, how probable it is their cancer may grow or spread.

With this new information at hand, they can better adapt their treatment options to each patient, on a case-by-case basis.

What about prevention?

New prostate cancer research has also made progress in terms of prevention. Diet is a huge factor in terms of general health and longevity for all of us. However, research has also shown diet is very much linked to various types of cancer. More specifically how it can help to prevent certain forms of cancer.

A healthy diet benefits all of us and has shown to be of vast importance for cancer prevention

Besides adapting our diet to a generally more healthy one, there are specific foods that have been discovered to hold anti-carcinogenic properties.

With prostate cancer specifically, for instance, scientists have discovered tomatoes and soybeans contain nutrients that help prevent prostate cancer. These would be lycopenes in tomatoes and isoflavones in soybeans. Specialists in prostate cancer research are looking into the compounds in more depth for more direct applications (such as the development of supplements) or dietary recommendations.

Does vitamin D help with prostate cancer?

Besides research into specific foods, scientists have found speculatory research that might be pointing towards the benefits of vitamin D. A number of studies have shown that men with higher levels of vitamin D are less likely to develop lethal forms of prostate cancer.

As mentioned, however, this research is still speculatory. They have yet to find whether vitamin D actually has a direct effect on protecting us from prostate cancer.

The benefits of vitamin D in prostate cancer research are still inconclusive.

Next week we will be following on with more discussion on new developments on prostate cancer research. Specifically, new research concerning early detection, diagnosis and staging.

Until then, check our resources section for further information. Where you can also find inspiration from success and survival stories, we can even help you connect with a prostate cancer survivor or support groups.

If you have any questions, or just want to talk, call us at our toll-free hotline: 1(833)HEAL-MEN. You are not alone in this journey. We are here to help guide and support you through it, every step of the way.