What Makes Prostate Cancer More Aggressive?

Scientists have discovered a molecule that may contribute to making prostate cancer more aggressive. They call it Nogo Receptor 2 (NgR2), and it’s a neuronal molecule. However, they also uncovered a promising treatment that could counter these more aggressive cancers. As we know, prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men. In fact, it is second only

Online Support Groups, Why Join Them?

To clarify, men’s online support groups are online gatherings where men share experiences and support each other. A place they can enjoy the companionship of other men in their prostate cancer journey. General support groups may be useful for patients dealing with all types of cancer. However, they would benefit more from a group specifically for patients who have a

Genetic Risk and Referrals for Earlier Diagnosis

Some men are more likely to develop prostate cancer, in many cases due to high genetic risk. Recent studies have shown that incorporating this factor into the referral process for prostate cancer could allow for earlier diagnosis. Additionally, it comes with the benefit of avoiding unnecessary biopsies in men at a lower risk of prostate cancer. Since prostate biopsies are

Treatment-resistant Prostate Cancer

Unfortunately, there are cases of treatment-resistant prostate cancer. However, researchers have found ways around these issues. Trials are underway and show great promise. In many cases, prostate cancer tumors do not become aggressive. These can go on with minimal or even no treatment. Other circumstances bring more aggressive tumors, which doctors usually treat with radiation therapy or surgery. This is

Mapping Tumors’ Genes: Spatial Transcriptomics

Mapping tumors at a genetic level is a new technique that allows researchers to study tumors in more detail. First of all, it provides scientists with a view of the tissue sample’s genetic changes without having to break them up. This gives them more accuracy when identifying mutated cells and what area of an organ they are located. Scientists have

Cryotherapy: An Alternative to Prostate Cancer Surgery

People often refer to cryotherapy as cryosurgery, however, the procedure itself is not actually a form of surgery. In fact, the way it functions is by freezing the prostate to destroy cancer cells. In most cases, doctors resort to cryotherapy if radiation therapy has failed to stop cancer. Other situations doctors may opt for cryotherapy instead of traditional surgery, would

Prostate Cancer Survivors and the Road Ahead

Although prostate cancer treatment is very effective today, it’s important to acknowledge the stress prostate cancer survivors endure. Yes, treating prostate cancer usually completely eliminates or extracts the cancer. However, the process itself can be incredibly stressful for patients, and at times this stress doesn’t end with successful treatment. The process of healing has various stages and can vary tremendously

AI Algorithms and Prostate Cancer Treatment

The rise of AI algorithms and technology is having an impact on all aspects of society. Tech leaders expect it to grow in that regard swiftly and at an exponential rate. Medical researchers have also begun applying relevant AI-assisted work and technology to cancer diagnosis and treatment. Advances in AI algorithms show promising new ways to identify, diagnose and treat

New Research on the Origin of Prostate Cancer

In order to fight cancer or even prevent it we need to understand it, uncovering the origin of prostate cancer is crucial to its treatment. New research is bringing us closer to uncovering these secrets than ever before. As we discussed in our previous post concerning how prostate cancer develops, we now know that even the conditions of normal cells